For more than 100 years, the 8th March has been International Women’s Day. It is a day that celebrates and vindicates the rights acquired by women throughout history and the long struggle and effort in all aspects that it has entailed.
Nowadays, on this day different marches, activities, demonstrations or events are organised to vindicate the long way that we still have to go to reach this desired real equality.
From Fundaneed, we did not want to stop contributing a little to the cause and join this great day with different events.
During the afternoon of 8 March, prior to the demonstration, Fundaneed organised a workshop of children’s activities in the Plaza de la Concordia. With the aim of joining in and raising awareness among children.
Activities such as “making posters with feminist phrases, decorating commemorative flowerpots, dressing up as heroines to promote self-esteem of the little ones who came…” were carried out there. The activity was a success, and once again Fundaneed’s awareness and involvement in this fight was evident.
An exhibition “Important women in history” is also being held at the Casa de las Conchas.
A project by Sara Cotano Bayón, head of the Department of Therapeutic Paedagogy, and realised by the young artist Marta de Andrés Samaniego.

The inauguration of the event took place on 9 March, where the director of the project explained the process of creation and execution of the project together with the artist, who explained some of her works.
Marta is a 22 year old woman with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. She finished her studies at the school “La Milagrosa”, obtaining the title of Compulsory Secondary Education. Since then, she goes daily to Fundaneed where she continues her education and complements it with different therapies such as: Therapeutic Pedagogy, Music Therapy and Educational Robotics.
Marta is creative, with great talent and imagination when it comes to reflect any drawing, but above all she is curious and shows sensitivity for the things she likes. She has a great need to capture everything that provokes a positive or satisfactory emotion. She loves drawing, reading, researching about specific subjects and expressing everything she has in her imagination through painting.
She is always looking for a book to transport her to the imaginary world and to enhance everything that makes her happy.
“Important women in history” is a project that analysed the stories of 50 important women with the aim of learning how to research, to promote Marta’s interests and to develop her creativity both on an artistic and personal level.
Currently, the exhibition can be visited in the lower courtyard of the Library “Casa de las Conchas” (Salamanca) from 9 March to 16 April. Today, Fundaneed is still immersed in the cause and working daily so that, hopefully in the not too distant future, 8M will be a day of celebration to achieve the equality that many women continue to fight for on a daily basis.
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