The State Action Plan for the Implementation of the European Child Guarantee (2022-2030) is the main tool with which Spain will implement the European Child Guarantee (ECI), a Recommendation of... read more →
On Friday 12 May, the Respirávila Association of Ávila held a gala to commemorate its 20 years of existence. More than 200 people attended the gala, including people with disabilities,... read more →
On 27 April 2023, the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca signed a Collaboration Agreement with Fundaneed to carry out a campaign against the stigma of mental health in... read more →
What is meant by pharmaceutical co-payment? The pharmaceutical co-payment is the amount we pay when we buy medicines prescribed by the public health system. It is our financial contribution, as... read more →
Neurodevelopmental disorders are neurologically based disorders that may affect the acquisition, retention or application of specific skills or sets of information. They consist of disturbances in attention, memory, perception, language,... read more →
The winery Bodega Protos is organising a solidarity action consisting of a financial donation, called "Brindis Solidario con Protos" (Solidarity Toast with Protos). This activity began its first phase of... read more →
In Fundaneed we held a storytelling workshop on the occasion of the Book Day. For this we have chosen a book about inclusion called "La Cebra Camila" (Camilla the zebra).... read more →
Sounds such as an ambulance siren or firecrackers can disrupt the daily life of a person with autism, who may even panic. "It allows us to go out in the... read more →
On 21 April, to celebrate World Health Day, a march was held from Puerta de Zamora to the Plaza Mayor in the city of Salamanca, under the slogan chosen by... read more →
El Gobierno aprobará el Plan de Acción de la Estrategia Nacional Para la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida de las Personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) “probablemente en... read more →