Hello everybody! I’m Helena, the Occupational Therapist at Fundaneed. Today I am here to talk to you about my profession, what it is and which people we can help.
Occupational Therapy is the set of techniques, methods and actions that, through activities applied for therapeutic purposes, prevents and maintains health, favours the restoration of function, supplements disabling deficits and assesses behavioural assumptions and their profound significance in order to achieve the greatest possible independence and reintegration of the individual in all aspects: work, mental, physical and social”. World Health Organisation

The aim is to achieve the maximum independence, functionality and autonomy of the person with some kind of limitation, whether physical, cognitive or behavioural, through meaningful activity and on the basis of individualised objectives.
Where does the Occupational Therapist intervene?
The field of action of the occupational therapist is wide and varied: Hospitals and clinics (physical and mental rehabilitation), people affected by various pathologies, physical and sensory, occupational and special education centres, geriatric residences, orthopaedics, psychiatric units, penitentiary institutions, associations and NGOs, teaching (research). Fields such as geriatric, paediatric, neurological, physical, occupational, psychosocial rehabilitation, mental health, drug addiction, intellectual disability, etc. in order to obtain active participation and integration of the person in the environment.
The Occupational Therapist
Evaluates the physical, psychological and social state of the patient (assessing capacities and limitations), provides tools and treatments, uses orthoses, prostheses and support products to improve coordination and mobility in the environment (achieving the maximum degree of reintegration). Teaches the patient to recover/compensate/replace the affected function. It is very important that the patient participates voluntarily and actively throughout the intervention plan, as well as creating a good therapist-user relationship.
Helena Iglesias García / Occupational Therapist
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