I Conference on Educational Inclusion and Equity

I Jornadas de Inclusión y Equidad Educativa

This conference was organized by Fundaneed and took place during the month of February 2018. If you missed it, you can access the keynote speech and presentations in the links below.

We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Inaugural speech

Inaugural speech by Pilar Samaniego de Tiedra, President of the Fundaneed Board of Trustees

Academic performance and neurodevelopment

Lecture by Dr. Josep Antonio Ramos Quiroga, Doctor in Psychiatry, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón.

From integration to inclusion

Lecture by Professor Raquel María Guevara.

Measures to address diversity in education

Presentation by Mr. Ángel M. Morín. Director of Education of the Delegation of Salamanca.Download

Round Table

Presentation of ASPACE’s “El Camino” School.Download

Presentation of AFIM Foundation.Download

“Inclusion opens minds and unites people.”

If you want to know more about our activities