The objective of mindfulness is to achieve a deep state of consciousness during the session and uses several specific techniques to achieve it. The purpose is to get our consciousness to relax and not to make a judgment of our sensations, feelings or thoughts and thus to know what is happening in our inner self at every moment through the management of the attentional processes.

This therapy is based on meditation so that the person manages to separate from their thoughts to recognize them and question mental patterns, giving great weight to the “here and now” through total attention to the present.
Ideally, mindfulness should be practiced for half an hour a day, although it is recommended to start with shorter sessions to acclimate the mind to the new sensations and gradually build mental states of meditation. By not overdoing it with time at the beginning, we will avoid ending up frustrated by spending too much time on something we still do not know how to do well. Learning to do mindfulness may require some practice time until we are able to meditate in almost any circumstance.