At Fundaneed we believe that taking care of the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children, adolescents and young people, as well as their families, is a society with a future, with a better future for all. Preventing and overcoming problems and disorders is the best opportunity to face the present.

We fight for full inclusion and against social, educational and employment exclusion. We work to reduce the high rates of school failure and school dropout, making diagnoses, therapies and resources available to all. To improve the quality of life of the children and young people of today and tomorrow.
Preserving the rights of girls and boys, their mental health and their integral development, without putting the health of the community at risk, is a challenge that the competent authorities must face.
Projects we are working on
The main objective of the project is to prevent suicide and depression in adolescence in ESO schools in the city of Salamanca through psycho-educational talks.
The specific objectives are to improve the quality of life of adolescents studying in the city of Salamanca and to provide basic tools for good emotional management. To design a comprehensive prevention programme using different interventions, techniques and approaches. To generate a climate of trust and security among adolescents where there are no taboos or prejudices when talking about mental health. Improve the self-esteem and self-perception of young people. To end the stigmatisation of mental health. Generate greater empathy between adolescents and their peers through understanding and emotional management. To inform about taboo topics that occur among adolescents.
Improving the autonomy and road safety of people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is the aim of the TEAVIAL Project developed by TeaVial Association, which consists of a specific sequence of pictograms that are placed on the first white line of pedestrian crossings, to show information of interest.
Thanks to these pictograms, the ASD group is offered extra safety, making it easier for them to understand how to act, and therefore improving their autonomy. Pictograms are a drawing or graphic sign that expresses a concept materially related to the object to which it refers. COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Carlos Hervás-Gómez – FUNDANEED (Foundation for the support of children and adolescents with special developmental needs).
The concept of empowerment is gaining interest in support programmes for the psychosocial integration of people with disabilities. Empowerment implies the possession of multiple skills that help people cope with adversity, so the development of this capacity can be a priority among people with disabilities to improve their quality of life. Women with disabilities are at greater risk of inequality, discrimination, vulnerability, exclusion and isolation, which is demonstrated by the low levels of education of this group, their lower presence in the labour market, their occupying less responsible and less well paid jobs than the rest of the population, etc.
Mental health promotion and intervention in children and adolescents is a priority area of care and health promotion for different institutions and national and international organisations. There are different modalities of care within the health systems. One of the current arrangements is the day hospital. In these, the patient is admitted in order to deal with a specific pathology without the need to remain in the hospital for the whole day. In Mental Health, they have been a great advance in tackling serious pathologies in the child and adolescent population, allowing for the assessment, treatment and monitoring of cases without the need to leave the family, school and social environment, with the disadvantages that this would entail for the child in full development.
The project NEWS ACTIONS FOR PREVENTION IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH, an integrative and multidisciplinary scientific congress.
The project NEWS ACTIONS FOR PREVENTION IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH, an integrative and multidisciplinary scientific congress, will turn the city of Madrid into the epicentre of European mental health policy. will turn the city of Madrid into the epicentre of European policy on child and adolescent mental health, as a capital of innovation, creating new protocols for action in prevention and mental health education, around physical spaces that bring together and connect the science of health (child and adolescent psychiatry, child neurology, psychology, health nursing), with education, social services, public hospitals, NGOs, universities and research centres. This project will not be limited exclusively to the scientific, but will also focus on innovation in protocols with more established NGOs.
Around 50% of young Europeans reported having unmet mental health care needs in spring 2021 and again in spring 2022. Many countries have put in place some measures to protect and care for young people’s mental health, but the scale of the impact requires further action to ensure that the pandemic does not permanently scar this generation (Source: Health at a Glance: Europe 2022).
In order to reinforce the quality of life of our children, adolescents and young people and to position the city as an ideal destination for innovation, a special section will be included based on the promotion of sport, the Mediterranean diet and the promotion of outdoor activities.
The project also presents a private investment initiative to position the city of Madrid and the Region itself at an international level.
In addition, this project seeks to enhance health, examine the key challenges facing European countries in developing stronger and more resilient health systems in the aftermath of the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a special focus on how the pandemic has affected the mental and physical health of young people. The report emphasises the need for additional measures to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from having long-term effects on a whole generation of young people.
Tenth June Juvenal (Aquinas, present-day Italy, ca. 60 – Rome, ca.128) Latin poet, who wrote 16 poems and, in his Satire X, where the famous phrase “Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano” (Decimus IuniusIuuenalis) appears for the first time.
The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of national health systems. The EU is committed to contributing to long-term health challenges by building stronger, more resilient and accessible health systems.
The private health foundation FUNDANEED wants to promote the mental health of our adolescents and their families.
FUNDANEED wants to work to develop strategies, programmes and tools aimed at helping and responding to the health needs of adolescents.
To this end, the educaMENTAL programme and the FamiliarMENTE programme have been created.
The main objective of the educaMENTAL programme is to prevent mental health disorders in young people and adolescents.
It consists of a total of 7 strategic lines in which the most common disorders that occur among young people such as anxiety, suicide prevention or depression, stress management or possible neurodevelopmental disorders will be addressed.
The role of parents is more important than ever, given the increase in mental health problems in adolescents.
For this reason, the juvenal project has a specific programme aimed at these mothers, fathers and/or guardians of young people and adolescents to provide them with the necessary tools for the prevention of child and adolescent mental health.
“Health does not start in a hospital or in a clinic. It starts in our homes and communities; it starts with the food we eat and the water we drink, the air we breathe in schools and workplaces,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.