Psychomotricity workshop

Workshop “Let’s play together”

Psychomotricity focuses on the study of the human being as a complex and interconnected being, who needs stimulation and attention in all aspects, not only at a cognitive level, but also at a motor and emotional level in order to achieve an adequate integral development.

Target group: Children from 6 to 12 years old.
Duration of the workshop: 50 minutes.
Number of participants: 10 children maximum.


  • To work on the integral development of people through the stimulation of their motor, cognitive and affective capacities.
  • Stimulate psychomotor development: Through activities and games that promote movement, we seek to stimulate the motor development of participants, improving their coordination, balance, muscle tone, among other aspects.
  • Enhance cognitive development: By carrying out activities that require attention, memory and reasoning, the cognitive development of the participants is stimulated, improving their learning and problem-solving skills.
  • Encourage emotional expression: Through exercises that involve emotions and bodily sensations, the aim is to encourage emotional expression, which favours the capacity for emotional self-regulation.
  • Improve socialisation: The psychomotor workshop can also contribute to the development of social skills by encouraging interaction between participants and teamwork.
  • Prevent and treat psychomotor difficulties: In cases of psychomotor difficulties, the workshop can be used as a therapy to prevent, treat or improve these difficulties.
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“Inclusion opens minds and unite people.”

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