On the morning of 21 June, the 1st CSR Awards were held, awarded by Smart Top Services, Applethan Road and Are Business RadioTV, to professionals and institutions whose DNA is to transform, help and contribute to society.

This very special gala, the 2nd CSR and Business Sustainability Day, directed by Roberto Rodríguez Manzaneque, José Manuel García Gutiérrez and Diego Ruiz, effectively disseminated the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.
Spreading the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda in the business and professional world, with these recognitions to its managers, is an example of commitment.
Held at the INMOA, with its director Dr. Elisabeth E. Arrojo Álvarez at the helm, who received the Medicine and Research with Soul Award for her professional work.

It is a great honour to have shared this Award with:
Responsible Industry Award: Luis Collado – AECIM- Asociación de Empresas del Metal de Madrid (Association of Metal Companies of Madrid)
Journalism with Values Award: José Luis Barceló – Director of El Mundo Financiero
Economic Impulse Award: Gema Sanz – Business Director Madrid Network
Professionals for Sustainability Award: Luis Gregorio Holguín Galarón
Logistics with Values Award: Moisés Yanos – GRUPO PLASTIFORM
Sustainability and Recycling Award: Sebastián Solís
Family Business Award: Alberto del Rey – Iluminación Ximénez
Association Committed to Citizenship Award: Acción Social Empresarial (ASE)
It is a recognition that encourages us to continue fighting from LEGAL MOMENTUM and from FUNDANEED Foundation for the prevention and early detection of mental health problems in our child and youth population.
Thanks to all the members of Smart Top Services for their hard work, and in particular to its CEO, José Manuel García Gutiérrez for making these Awards a reality.
María del Pilar Samaniego de Tiedra
Lawyer at ICAM, member number 121.649
President of the FUNDANEED Foundation Board of Trustees
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