In order to provide the best opportunities for early detection, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in the child and adolescent population, Fundaneed offers as part of its resources the use of the Gesell Chamber. This experimental device consists of two rooms with a dividing wall in which there is a large glass, which allows to see from one of the rooms what is happening in the other, but not the other way around. Here it is possible to replicate certain phenomena of reality, but in a controlled way, in order to carry out experiments to better understand certain aspects related to development.
Gesell Chamber

Below, it is possible to download a document where the necessary information to understand the use that will be given to the Gesell camera in Fundaneed’s activities is presented. The management of the foundation, together with the support of professional psychologists and pedagogues are, in the first instance, responsible for compliance with the provisions set forth in this document.
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