Music therapy sessions are oriented to enhance communication, expression and creativity of the individual through musical interaction. The aim is to create an environment where the person feels free to explore, create and move forward together with the therapist. For this, it is essential that the sessions are well structured and adapted to the needs of each person, especially when working with people with communication difficulties.
Music Therapy

1. Assessment sessions:
Through experience and interaction with different musical and artistic elements (playing instruments, singing, dancing, painting, acting, listening to music, etc.) the aim is to gather information about the psychological, cognitive and emotional aspects that are affecting the person, and also to know their resources and potential. In this way, intervention objectives adapted to each case will be elaborated. In addition, more information will be gathered through an interview and psychological, school and/or medical reports that the person or family can provide.
2. Intervention program:
After studying the information gathered through the assessment sessions, the interview with the parents and individual and the professional reports, a specific intervention program is designed where the general and specific objectives to work with each person in the music therapy sessions are marked.
Music therapy is recommended for people with:
- ADHD and comorbidities
- Autism and Developmental Disorder (DDD)
- Asperger’s Syndrome and social skills
- Language disorders
- Psychomotor retardation
- Learning disabilities and hyperactivity
- Down Syndrome
- Williams syndrome