Fundaneed’s Psychiatry service consists of programmes aimed at providing outpatient treatment and follow-up to psychiatric patients, with a focus on active treatment.

The therapeutic objectives are:
- To act on the clinical picture presented by the patient, seeking improvement, the disappearance of symptoms and partial or total remission of the same. This action is part of the secondary prevention of the disease.
- Acting on the social and family circumstances that modulate the course, the response to treatment and the prognosis of the disease. This action is part of the detection of protective and risk factors and specific action on them.
- Acting on the sequelae of the pathological process, whether these are transitory or stable, due to the pathology or secondary to the treatments. This action is part of the tertiary prevention of the disease.
- Acting on the social consequences of mental illness. This includes actions to minimise social stigma as well as actions aimed at promoting and improving the attitude. Also the collaboration of the patient’s immediate environment and, eventually, the provision of specific help to this environment (mainly the family). This action is part of the work to facilitate social reintegration.
In short, it aims to increase the quality of life and satisfaction (reduction of suffering) of patients with serious mental health disorders and their immediate environment (family), by means of:
- Reducing and/or coping with psychiatric symptomatology.
- The prevention and reduction of relapses.
- Prevention of deterioration.
- Improving the patients’ family and social adjustment and functioning.
The above actions can be developed simultaneously or successively in each specific case. Always bearing in mind that the first action, the treatment of the active pathology, is what conditions the presence and permanence of the patient in this device. The cessation or significant improvement of the active clinical condition will lead to the patient’s discharge and referral to another facility in the network to continue treatment and/or, where appropriate, rehabilitation and social reintegration tasks.