December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and in Spain, as in many other places around the world, young people with disabilities face a number of unique... read more →
Last night, with emotion on the surface, we received this main award from the hands of the president Carmen Cabrera, which we dedicate to the families who fight every day... read more →
Para todo el equipo de FUNDANEED y para más del centenar de familias, como beneficiarios y pacientes, es un gran honor y orgullo recibir este reconocimiento por vuestra insigne ASOCIACIÓN... read more →
Throughout history, people with characteristics that are out of the ordinary are treated by society based on their "differences", they are filled with connotations that segregate them as "not normal"... read more →
Today we bring you an interesting article published about a study that addresses a crucial issue in the experience of autistic and non-autistic adults: loneliness and its relationship with sensory... read more →
Ayer día 15 de octubre tuvimos una ejemplar y pionera jornada de defensa del derecho fundamental a la vida, con una gran emoción a flor de piel al Romper el... read more →
On September 27, the Psychomotor Workshop was held in Galindo and Perahuy, in collaboration with the city council, which provided space and disseminated it. Psychomotricity is a discipline that is... read more →