Last night, with emotion on the surface, we received this main award from the hands of the president Carmen Cabrera, which we dedicate to the families who fight every day for the mental health of their children and to the entire team of professionals who make up the FUNDANEED Foundation.
Thanks to the recognition given by the TIERNO GALVAN ASSOCIATION, it gives us a greater impetus to continue in our daily work for the prevention and promotion of child and adolescent mental health and the emotional well-being of their families.
As a jurist it is a recognition full of symbolism, given the distinguished figure of Professor Tierno Galván, a jurist of recognized prestige who was the drafter of the Preamble of our Constitution.
The defense of the rights of the infant-juvenile population in mental health is of paramount importance in our societies, given that they are our short-term successors.
We need to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and eliminate the associated stigma, promoting a culture of acceptance and support. We need more resources and services, accessible to all, that address not only serious mental disorders, but also preventive care and general mental wellness.

We were honored to have the generous direct participation of the President of the Economic and Social Council of Castilla y León in the awards ceremony, as President of our Honorary Board of Trustees, Professor Enrique Cabero.
We were fortunate to share this event with the great singer-songwriter Fernando Maes who delighted us with his recital of songs full of poetry and sensitivity. Congratulations maestro!
Also with the Association Adavas Salamanca that better day impossible #25N, for their fight for the elimination of violence against women. congratulations!
Thanks to La Gaceta de Salamanca and Salamanca Diario and other media for their co-responsibility because mental health is a care of all.